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Buy books online in Mirà Kanehl’s bookshop store

Ahoi and welcome to Mirà Kanehl’s online bookshop store, your port for literary exploration and a treasure trove of select historical fiction books. As an avid sailor of the old fiction seas, Mirà Kanehl invites you to disembark here and travel through time with her captivating historical fiction books, available at a discount in her bookshop store. This online bookshop store is designed to offer easy navigation for stray booklovers to buy books online. An almanac, if you will. Brush a finger across the soft leather covers of these historical fiction books:


Packshot of historical fiction book "A Half Flower" by Mirà Kanehl.

A Half Flower – paperback

from $20.00

Packshot of "The Adventuress" by Mirà Kanehl

The Adventuress – paperback

from $15.00


A Half Flower by Mirà Kanehl.

A Half Flower – ebook


The Adventuress by Mirà Kanehl

The Adventuress – ebook


"What Happened in The Marshlands" book cover.

What Happened in The Marshlands – ebook


A Study In Scarlet by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle – With Annotations – ebook
